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Marked as fixed, but not fixed?!

Adroddwyd drwy mobile yn y categori Roads and Carriageways yn ddienw am 20:38, Dydd Llun 13 Ionawr 2025

Anfon at Oxfordshire County Council llai na munud yn hwyrach. Cyfeirnod FixMyStreet: 6975318.

The unmade carriageway edge at honest.putts.jabs was marked as fixed on 23rd December, but it hasn't been fixed at all. Photo taken this morning (13th Jan).

Cyfeirnod y cyngor: ENQ251030897

Ffrwd RSS o ddiweddariadau i'r broblem hon Derbyn e-bost pan fydd diweddariadau i'r broblem hon.


  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    Cyflwr wedi newid i: Investigating

    Postiwyd gan Oxfordshire County Council am 20:39, Dydd Llun 13 Ionawr 2025

  • Thank you for your report. After a thorough investigation and risk assessment, we have determined that the issue warrants attention within 28 days.

    Cyflwr wedi newid i: Investigation complete

    Postiwyd gan Oxfordshire County Council am 08:54, Dydd Mercher 29 Ionawr 2025

This report is now closed to updates from the public. Gallwch wneud adroddiad newydd am yr un lleoliad .