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Fly tipping

Adroddwyd drwy desktop yn y categori Flytipping gan Michael George Hill am 18:46, Iau 18 Ebrill 2024

Anfon at Adur District Council llai na munud yn hwyrach. Cyfeirnod FixMyStreet: 5871968.

More rubbish is dumped in Fishersgate Park, as I said before there is a CCTV camera on the side of the [portable cabin] that will no doubt have picked up the vehicle dumping rubbish. Fly-tipping: council responsibilities. Fly-tipping: your responsibilities Assess the incident You must gather as much information as you can about: check cctv

The circumstances, for example, if anyone witnessed the fly-tipping, the date and time it happened and a description of any vehicles involved land type, for example, relevant land or privately owned location, for example, highway verge, back alleyway, railway embankment or river the amount and type of waste, for example solid, liquid or gas its potential effects, for example how it may harm people, animals or the environment

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