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Adroddwyd drwy desktop gan Keith Webster am 16:47, Dydd Llun 19 Chwefror 2024

Anfon at Cyngor Caerdydd llai na munud yn hwyrach. Cyfeirnod FixMyStreet: 5600799.

Dear Sir, I was going to raise this issue about a flooded foot path in my area but to my surprise I saw this issuse has been risen before and it is still unresolved four years later. The issue was first risen in 24th February 2020 Ref No: 2018735. I am putting in the coordinates from “what3words” (fakes.asleep.atom). I am hoping you may resolve this issue. As it’s a busy footpath at school times with children and parents going to and from school.

Ffrwd RSS o ddiweddariadau i'r broblem hon Derbyn e-bost pan fydd diweddariadau i'r broblem hon.


  • Yn parhau i fod ar agor, trwy holiadur, 20:02, Dydd Llun 18 Mawrth 2024

  • Dear Sir, The problem has not been fixed, parents and school children are still having to turn back because of the flooding, then being forced to take a longer route to get to their school. Which involves them to cross a busy main road, this alternative route is completely unnecessary. As it seems to me be an easy fix! Unblock the drain.

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 11:15, Dydd Gwener 22 Mawrth 2024

Darparu diweddariad

Noder na chaiff diweddariadau eu hanfon at y cyngor. Bydd eich gwybodaeth ond yn cael ei defnyddio yn unol â’n polisi preifatrwydd

Nesaf: Dwedwch wrthym ni amdanoch chi

Eich diweddariad

Dwedwch wrthym ni amdanoch chi

Oes gennych chi gyfrinair FixMyStreet?