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Trading standards investigation required

Adroddwyd drwy mobile yn y categori Other yn ddienw am 11:52, Iau 8 Chwefror 2024

Anfon at Reading Borough Council llai na munud yn hwyrach. Cyfeirnod FixMyStreet: 5548141.

Team To ascertain why several areas using gas logo And letters churned out from several areas Are being directed back to reading local authority It should be each area that responds as to their input Reading needs to investigate as do others Safety first Customer first Quote Team We have had an interim response from the area directing us back from pillar to post to the same organisation which was not helpful in 2012/2013 It needs the region that generates the communication to ensure communication from that region is investigated properly

Posted anonymously at 09:47, Mon 4 December 2023

Photo of this reportzoom Photo of this reportzoom Photo of this reportzoom Series of events occurring are concerning Escalated back as Unresolved surrounding this logo Team We have had an interim response from the area directing us back from pillar to post to the same organisation which was not helpful in 2012/2013 It needs the region that generates the communication to ensure communication from that region is investigated properly It affects all regions - lack of transparency it seems

Posted anonymously at 07:17, Sat 30 December 2023 Still open, via questionnaire

Unresolved at this stage to ensure communication from that region is investigated properly It affects all regions - lack of transparency it seems

Posted anonymously at 10:49, Saturday 27 January 2024 Still open, via questionnaire

Team Quote Unresolved at this stage to ensure communication from that region is investigated properly It affects all regions - lack of transparency it seems

Posted anonymously at 10:49, Saturday 27 January 2024 Still open, via questionnaire End quote

What appears genuine communication came around 16th Followed by clearly Falsification of communication use of logo 23rd Nov 2023 Escalated to regulator who regulates regulators in that area

Posted anonymously at 08:33, Wednesday

Photo of this reportzoom Photo of this reportzoom Photo of this reportzoom It seems Unresolved across organisations and institutions

Posted anonymously at 14:19, Wednesday End quote Unresolved who is OVERALL responsible

Ffrwd RSS o ddiweddariadau i'r broblem hon Derbyn e-bost pan fydd diweddariadau i'r broblem hon.


  • Team Unresolved Escalated to regulator who regulates regulators and necessary Representative (s) Quote Now check your email! The confirmation email can take up to 10-15 minutes to arrive — please be patient.

    Before we can send your message to your xx, XXX, XXX rep etc we need to confirm your email address. We’ve sent you an email — when it arrives simply click the link in it and your message will be sent. If you don’t click the link your message will not be sent.

    If you use web-based email or have ‘junk mail’ filters, you may wish to check your bulk or spam mail folders. Sometimes our messages are marked that way. End quote

    Thank you for asking

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 06:24, Gwen 8 Mawrth 2024
    Yn parhau i fod ar agor, trwy holiadur

  • Unresolved at this stage Waiting for accurate and complete data sets Who uses their logo Where letters are churned out from Who REGULATES REGULATORS and why it's Unresolved 2009 to 2024 Across organisations and institutions without properly addressing concerns raised Quote Approximately 55% of the country's social housing stock is owned by local authorities. Increasingly the stock is managed on a day-to-day basis by arms-length management organisations rather than directly by the authority, and by housing associations. End quote No copyright intended

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 06:38, Gwen 5 Ebrill 2024
    Yn parhau i fod ar agor, trwy holiadur

  • Absolutely unresolved It seems there are so many people being Overcharged and when question to the gas company They pass information to other departments Trying to investigate But other departments seem to give inaccurate data sets It's never going to be resolved appropriately if they keep doing it Keep sending deadlock and keep offering inappropriate amounts Team It's not resolved at this stage

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 11:00, Sad 4 Mai 2024
    Yn parhau i fod ar agor, trwy holiadur

  • Team It's not as if give them opportunity to put it right Vs they haven't is over a decade Unresolved It's that their logo is being used seemingingly after someone has exploited our data Misused our information And caused irreconcilable differences between organisations and institutions without properly addressing concerns raised

    Over decades is unethical but over passed number of years asking for accurate and complete data sets

    Is trading standards an actual standard or not

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 15:54, Sad 1 Mehefin 2024
    Yn parhau i fod ar agor, trwy holiadur

  • Is trading standards actually standards or not They have passed information back and forth between organisations and institutions without properly addressing concerns Misused several times Give them opportunity to put it right Vs they haven't

    Has your problem been fixed? 5 months ago, you reported a problem using FixMyStreet.

    Help us keep FixMyStreet up to date by letting us know whether the problem has been fixed yet:

    Unresolved Escalated as Unresolved

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 21:58, Sad 29 Mehefin 2024
    Yn parhau i fod ar agor, trwy holiadur

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