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Roadworks caused damage tree roots

Adroddwyd drwy desktop yn y categori Pavement Defect yn ddienw am 16:37, Llun 27 Tachwedd 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro

Anfon at Bromley Council llai na munud yn hwyrach. Cyfeirnod FixMyStreet: 5258277.

Roadworks on the street has been carried out and has caused damage to cemented slabs that were covering tree roots

Ffrwd RSS o ddiweddariadau i'r broblem hon Derbyn e-bost pan fydd diweddariadau i'r broblem hon.


  • Thank you for your report, this is now being investigated. Information on our services and the timeframes we aim to respond in can be found: fixservices

    Cyflwr wedi newid i: In progress

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 16:38, Llun 27 Tachwedd 2023

  • Our contractor has been notified to take the appropriate action.

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 13:36, Maw 28 Tachwedd 2023

  • Appropriate action has been taken to resolve the issue.

    Cyflwr wedi newid i: Fixed

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 05:44, Iau 30 Tachwedd 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. Gallwch wneud adroddiad newydd am yr un lleoliad .