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Pavement/curb - broken paving slabs

Adroddwyd drwy mobile yn y categori Pavement Defect yn ddienw am 15:14, Mer 6 Medi 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro

Anfon at Bromley Council llai na munud yn hwyrach. Cyfeirnod FixMyStreet: 4965601.

Immediately outside 7 Elm Road, BR3 4JB Paving stone / curb broken and needs fixing The pavement is broken around the base of the tree on the street - paving level is high here and cars often cannot open their doors The loose paving / chunks of concrete have been left on the pavement and could be a trip hazard Thanks

Ffrwd RSS o ddiweddariadau i'r broblem hon Derbyn e-bost pan fydd diweddariadau i'r broblem hon.


  • Thank you for your report, this is now being investigated. Information on our services and the timeframes we aim to respond in can be found: fixservices

    Cyflwr wedi newid i: In progress

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 15:15, Mer 6 Medi 2023

  • Our contractor has been notified to take the appropriate action.

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 13:45, Iau 7 Medi 2023

  • Hi- thank you for inspecting this so promptly.

    Please DO NOT carry out any repair work between 21st and 29th September as that will clash with planned filming work.

    Thank you very much and best wishes.

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 16:32, Iau 7 Medi 2023

  • Hi - Thank you so much for dealing with this so quickly. Please can you start the repair work AFTER 29th September as it's vital that we can access the driveway until that date. We can see from the white marker lines on the pavement that the extent of the work will mean that our driveway (no. 7) will be blocked whilst the work will be carried out. If the work starts AFTER 29th September we can buy temporary parking permits to use and also keep the driveway clear whilst we need driveway access for other planned work in the house. Thank you very much for help with this.

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 10:00, Gwen 8 Medi 2023

  • Good evening, An email has been sent to our contractor with your request.

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 18:51, Mer 20 Medi 2023

  • We are sorry that this work has not yet been completed. We are working with our Minor Works contractor in an effort to resolve this issue.

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 10:41, Maw 7 Tachwedd 2023

  • Appropriate action has been taken to resolve the issue.

    Cyflwr wedi newid i: Fixed

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 14:47, Iau 9 Tachwedd 2023

  • Further works are necessary to resolve the issue and have been scheduled for action.

    Cyflwr wedi newid i: In progress

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 09:32, Iau 16 Tachwedd 2023

  • Our contractor is waiting for the Tree officer to arrange pruning tree roots before the footway can be repaired. Thank you for your patience.

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 16:56, Llun 11 Rhagfyr 2023

  • Appropriate action has been taken to resolve the issue.

    Cyflwr wedi newid i: Fixed

    Postiwyd gan Bromley Council am 06:08, Gwen 5 Ionawr 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. Gallwch wneud adroddiad newydd am yr un lleoliad .