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Cars & Vans Parking On Pavements

Adroddwyd drwy desktop yn y categori Other yn ddienw am 23:29, Iau 31 Awst 2023

Anfon at Hull City Council llai na munud yn hwyrach. Cyfeirnod FixMyStreet: 4947029.

Down Wilton Street there are two car mechanic's/garages and they get patrons to leave their cars/vans on the pavements forcing pedestrian's using the footpath to either squeeze into single file or walk onto the road.

Some days Prams and Wheelchair users are forced onto the road as they cannot fit through the gaps. left by these cars and vans.... This is happening on a daily basis!

Also... Wilton Street is a one way street (From Dansom Lane South to Holderness Road) I and others have witnessed cars leave these garages, especially the one nearer Dansom Lane South, and come out of Wilton Street onto Dansom Lane South all because they want to head in a different direction quicker then heading to Holderness Road.

Ffrwd RSS o ddiweddariadau i'r broblem hon Derbyn e-bost pan fydd diweddariadau i'r broblem hon.


  • I have just received a reply from Hull City Council which states...

    --------------------------------------------- Good Morning

    Thank you for contacting Hull City Council

    As they are parking on the pavement this is blocking access and can be reported to the Police on 101.

    For any vehicles with evidence of parking on double yellow lines, please request enforcement in the area to

    Kind Regards


    Customer Service Advisor Hull City Council ---------------------------------------------

    Hmmm.... Did IQ's just drop suddenly?

    Firstly... I have provided you with pictures CLEARLY showing the cars and vans parking on Double Yellow Lines.

    Secondly... Am I now working for Hull City Council and I have to chase this matter up myself as for some reason you cannot forward the information to the right department yourself?

    Hull City Council are useless!

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 10:12, Gwen 1 Medi 2023

  • The garages in that block are STILL allowing cars, vans and lorries to park on the footpaths daily down Wilton Street.... Which is a one way street and has double yellow lines running down them.

    People with wheelchairs, mobility scooters and prams/pushchairs have to go on the road to get by the cars using the pavement as parking spaces!

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 21:58, Iau 28 Medi 2023

  • Yn parhau i fod ar agor, trwy holiadur, 10:42, Sad 30 Medi 2023

  • Yn parhau i fod ar agor, trwy holiadur, 12:32, Sad 28 Hydref 2023

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