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Litter and fly tipping

Adroddwyd drwy desktop yn y categori Flytipping yn ddienw am 15:42, Gwen 27 Ionawr 2023

Anfon at Adur District Council llai na munud yn hwyrach. Cyfeirnod FixMyStreet: 4177284.

All along the A27 between the Shoreham by pass to Holmbush someone has fly tipped all along the road a huge amount of what looks like insulation and foam. On the other side people have fly tipped rubbish from household. This roads verges are always covered in litter at the best of times, It needs urgently collecting as it is an environmental threat. I am show shocked that in this day an age people can do this!!! Its very sad and totally uncnecessary. We all need to work hard to stamp out this problem.

Yours Sincerely,

Suzy Bennett.

Yours Sincerely Suzy Bennett

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