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Potholes on both sides of a narrow single track lane

Adroddwyd drwy desktop yn y categori Potholes yn ddienw am 10:37, Sad 26 Tachwedd 2022

Anfon at West Sussex County Council llai na munud yn hwyrach. Cyfeirnod FixMyStreet: 3995030.

Bentons Lane is a private road but responsibility for maintenance is part Council part Knepp Estate, not the residents. The potholes have been there for at least four years and older repairs are apparent. Damage is made worse by frequent tankers and heavy vehicles travelling to and from the pumping station further down the lane. The road need a proper repair not just patching.

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  • Fix my street sent this to the wrong council - it's the Parish Council who are responsible for the road not the County Council/W Sussex Highways. WSH did repair some other potholes in an adjacent part of the road that they are responsible for, just not the ones I reported.

    Postiwyd yn ddienw am 16:09, Sad 24 Rhagfyr 2022
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